Our Story

Meet Katherine Bruins, Founder of Ponte Vedra Olive Oil

Welcome to Ponte Vedra Olive Oil! I'm Katherine, and my love for premium olive oils and vinegars is deeply rooted in my Italian heritage. Growing up, my grandparents' kitchen was filled with the aroma of fresh ingredients, creating unforgettable family meals that brought everyone together. These early experiences instilled in me a passion for quality, flavor, and the joy of shared meals.

As a busy mom, I struggled to find fresh, high-quality olive oils and vinegars that could recreate those cherished family dinners. Determined to change that, I created Ponte Vedra Olive Oil to bring the finest products to your kitchen. Our oils and vinegars are freshly harvested, certified extra virgin, and sourced from the best producers in California. We ensure every bottle meets our strict standards for quality, health, and flavor.

Did you know that 70% of extra virgin olive oils on the market are fake or mixed with lower quality oils? At Ponte Vedra Olive Oil, we are committed to transparency and authenticity, guaranteeing that you receive only the purest, freshest oils.

Imagine transforming your everyday meals into gourmet delights with our artisanal oils and vinegars. Whether it's the vibrant zest of our Blood Orange Olive Oil, the refreshing citrus of our Lemon Kiss Olive Oil, or the savory richness of our Zesty Garlic Olive Oil, each product is crafted to elevate your culinary experiences and bring your loved ones together around the table.

Join me in celebrating the joy of exceptional meals and the warmth of family gatherings. Discover the difference fresh, premium ingredients can make and let Ponte Vedra Olive Oil bring a touch of elegance and heartfelt tradition to your table.

Here’s to many delicious meals and cherished moments together. Cin cin!